Secret Sound

Daily Clues: Each weekday morning, Tri-County Pumps’ Billy Griffith shared a helpful daily clue with The Free Country Wake-Up Crew. That clue was also re-shared at various random times throughout the day.

Bonus Clue: WFRE Country Club members also received weekly BONUS CLUES each Friday afternoon during contesting. Not a member of the WFRE Country Club? Click here to get registered!

Click here to download & review the official rules.


Week One  (Beginning September 25, 2023)

Setting up a pair of drums.

Hitting an empty trash can a couple times.

Tom inside a metal trash can rolling down a hill.

Shooting 3 mini basketballs into a metal waste basket and balls swirling in the bottom.

A garbage can.

Someone bouncing a basketball inside a metal trash can.