Frederick County Sheriff Continues Lashing Out At Critics

He says his participation in the federal 287g program has kept the county safe.

Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins

Frederick, Md (KM) Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins is again lashing out at his critics, especially those who don’t like his participation in the federal 287g program. “I’m the one Republican, I’m the one sheriff in the state of Maryland, every elected Democrat wants out of office because I choose to enforce the immigration laws working with ICE to turn illegals who have committed crimes over on detainers and eventually removal and deportation,” he says.

Jenkins spoke recently WFMD. ICE stands for Immigrations and Custom Enforcement.

Despite the criticism, Jenkins say he continues to do his job of keeping the county safe. “The County Executive has her political agenda–whatever it  might be–and I don’t agree with most of it, and she knows that and she doesn’t agree with me,” he says. “At the end of the day, I will say she does want to see law and order like the County Council. They don’t like the way I go about getting it.”

For several years, the Sheriff’s Office has participated in the 287g program with ICE. Jenkins has said many times it doe not involve deputies  on patrol  rounding up individuals they believe are here in the US illegally. “It’s after an individual is arrested, brought into our jail and booked, we ask two questions: what country are a citizen of; and where you born?” he says. “And if we determine through our investigation that the answer is anything other than the United States, we can file a detainer. We turn that detainer over to ICE, and they, determine whether or not you’re eventually removed.”

Jenkins also says ICE’s effectiveness often depends on which administration is on power. “The Trump Administration, they let ICE do their jobs. The Biden Administration does not let Mayorkas—which allowed our borders to be overrun–does not allow ICE to their jobs,”: he says.

“Mayorkas” is Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security.

In spite of all the criticism of Sheriff Jenkins–including the participation in the 287g program–Jenkins says he and his deputies have worked hard  to keep the county safe. “And over the course of 17 years, for all the beatings I’ve taken, for the criticism the slings, the name-calling, the errors, the bullets, everything I’ve taken, we have kept this county safer than any other county in this region, and I’ll stand by that,” he says.

Throughout the years, Jenkins has been re-elected as Sheriff since he took office in 2006.. “The people trust me, believe in me to make decisions to keep them safe. I really believe that they do,” he says. “A part of it I was born and raised here. I’m home grown. I care about this county, this community. You’re my friend. You’re my neighbor. You’re my family. This is my life. And I think people have come to realize that. They trust me in this role.”

By Kevin  McManus