MUNDANE MYSTERIES: How Did The Term “Box Office” Originate?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: How Did The Term “Box Office” Originate?

On the heels of this year’s Oscars ceremony, where so many “box office blockbusters” were honored, have you ever wondered where the term “box office” originated? You couldn’t be blamed for thinking it sprouted from the box-like nature of many old-fashioned box offices, which were enclosed, detached booths situated just outside theaters…but you’d still be…

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What Are Leap Days & Why Do We Have Them?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What Are Leap Days & Why Do We Have Them?

At some point in elementary school, you most likely learned that there are 365 days in a year, since that’s how long it takes for Earth to complete one full rotation around the sun. What you might not have learned, though, is that a year isn’t exactly 365 days…it’s actually more like 365.2421 days. So,…