The St. Jude Radiothon this year was a completely different experience than any other year. When you’re a mom or parent…it’s an entirely new ball game.
The emotions are different and the stories felt more real than ever before. I found myself listening to these tragic stories and putting my little Lily into the shoes of these sick children and feeling the hurt and fear that these parents were describing in each of the story songs. I definitely shed a lot of tears over those two days last week!
It just made the radiothon that much more important to me. I’ve been to the hospital and have seen the sick children that are being treated, but now I feel so much more pain for the parents that are going through cancer treatments with their children.
It’s not all sad, though! Knowing that there is a place in the world like St.Jude Children’s Research Hospital brings me so much comfort and hope for these sick kids. I know it is the best place for them and they work so hard to get them healthy and back to their normal lives…just being kids.
I definitely look at Lily everyday knowing that we are SO lucky to have our healthy, happy baby and give her extra extra smooches because I can!
Thank you so much for your donations to our WFRE St. Jude Radiothon!
<3 Katie Ryan