Interesting People #67: Myles Hopton of Pegasus Equine Services

My horse series continues! This interview features equine dentist Myles Hopton, the owner of Pegasus Equine Services. We chat about horse dental care, how Myles ended up in the states, and donkeys!


Myles has worked with

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About Pegasus Equine Services

Providing Equine Dentistry to all farms throughout Virginia & the surrounding states. Registered & Certified in Virginia.

Proper dental care is essential to your horse’s health – it will ensure your horse is more comfortable, utilities feed more efficiently, performs better and may well live longer.

Malocclusions – improper position and contact between teeth – lead to inefficient chewing, bit discomfort, excessive wear and premature loss of teeth. Many horses show no symptoms of dental problems until it is too late.

Horses experiencing oral pain will not be able to perform to the best of their abilities.

Complete oral examinations every six to twelve months and regular preventative dental care allow horses to live a healthier, more comfortable life and to perform better.

If your horse has not had a check-up in the past 12 months, it is time for one now.

A thorough check-up involves using a speculum, looking in the mouth with a good headlamp, and feeling the teeth and gums. Anything less than such a thorough examination could result in a serious dental condition going unnoticed and untreated.