Right off the bat, Alien: Covenant and Life are two great movies, but they are sci-fi flicks.
- It Comes at Night- It’s classified as a horror movie, but just like Walking Dead, it’s the evil that men do to one another, no monsters or anything.
- Annabelle: Creation- Part of the Conjuring series. These are getting better than the earlier movies. It has some plot problems, but truly disturbing visuals on the screen.
Get Out- After seeing it twice, this is my favorite out of all of the above. Not because of horror or gore, but because of a wildly imaginative idea for a horror film, which many American horror movies are lacking.
- Jeepers Creepers 3- Loved it. The scare crow comes alive every 23 years and eats all the snotty kids. Keep ’em coming!
- IT- Ain’t seen it yet. But it looks good and has great reviews. Comes out of DVD January 9th.