Here is what we talked about on the air.
Little Big Town Baby
The New Year brought our family new love. We\’re so excited to introduce you to Daisy\’s little sister, Dolly Grace.
— Kimberly Schlapman (@ohgussie) January 12, 2017
LEE BRICE: Put His Priorities in Order
There\’s a mini population explosion going on in Nashville. Kimberly Schlapman just adopted a baby girl, Shay Mooney of Dan and Shay and his fiancee are expecting, Stephen Barker Lyles of Love and Theft are having a baby girl, Ashley Monroe announced her pregnancy on Christmas day and Lee Brice and his wife are expecting baby number three this summer.
Lee says when he started having kids he had to learn to prioritize the things in his life, so he doesn\’t miss important moments.
\”I have to say no sometimes to some things I might need to do for my career. I\’ve got to say no, that\’s not as important as going trick-or-treating. Hopefully I\’m just getting better at that. What\’s priorities. Figuring out what priorities are…\”