Here is today’s Good News Story! This is my favorite part of covering Holly’s show. Here is the best friend story of a mail man and dog!
Often, mail carriers don’t get along with neighborhood dogs. But this isn’t the the case for Jeff Kramer of Boulder, Colorado, who formed a special bond with a 14-year-old black lab named Tashi.
For years, with his tail wagging, Tashi has been greeting Jeff each day.
These days, though, Tashi isn’t moving around as well and isn’t able to bound down the steps to hang out with Jeff.
For a while, Tashi’s owner was carrying Tashi up and down the stairs to make sure Jeff could say hello to the dog.
And then, Jeff got the bright idea to install a ramp for Tashi, allowing the dog to get in and out of the house easily, and ensuring that the two friends can continue to enjoy their daily visits. (KUSA-TV)