There is good news and some bad news. The good news, one day Monocacy Boulevard will be finished and help drives get from one end of Frederick to the other. The bad news, this week SHA is going to start putting the steel beams on the new bridge taking Monocacy Boulevard over Route 15. That means delays, congestion, and lots of brake lights! Are you ready for it.
Crews will close the highway for 10-minute intervals.
Frederick, Md. (KM) Beginning this week, the Maryland State Highway Administration is expected to install steel beams for the new bridge taking Monocacy Boulevard over Route 15. Spokesman Dave Buck says that will mean the closure of the median at Route 15 and Biggs Ford Road.
Detours will be set up. “In order to reach Biggs Road if you’re on Route 15 southbound, you’ll turn on to Devilbiss Bridge Road and then you’ll turn on to Dublin Road and that will get you back to where you need to go,” he says. “And then if you’re northbound on Route 15, you’ll make a u-turn up at Sundays Lane and then go southbound on Route 15 and get there that way.”
SHA says the crews will be reconstruct the deceleration and acceleration lanes at that intersection.
Buck says laying the steel beams for the new bridge for the interchange at Monocacy Boulevard will require Route 15 be closed for ten-minute intervals. He says the work will be done between 11:00 PM and 4:00 AM. “Those beams will be swung into place with some huge cranes. So if you’re out there in that area, be alert in the overnight hours,” he says.
That work is expected to be finished within two to three weeks, Buck says.
SHA says the $59-million project is expected to be completed sometime next year.
By Kevin McManus